Thesis Tittle Report (Power Point)

This PPT Final Report file describes how to SCADA (Supervisory Control and Acquisition Data) implemented to android mobile device using bluetooth communication. For more detail you can download this ppt file here

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

KSS on KRC2 & KRC4 Problem Solving

What KSS error messages list? what is the messages number? which jog key we are trying use? going the other way also causes problem? how is E1 is configured?  Kuka Welding Robot ApplicationsKSS v8.3 on KRC4 List Problem and Solving (i'm not sure enough)KSS 15013 "Ackn : enabling switch error" - this problem happened when we moving a kuka robot in T2 Mode and suddently release DEADMAN button. Then these notification problem will come up.KSS 32003 "Underload calculated when checking robot load (Tool 2) - this problem solving not found yet.KSS03173 " velocity 0m/s at point XPXX, line 249 (kink xyz path)KSS v5.3 on KRC2 List Problem and SolvingModule TPTOUCHSENSE Msg No: 0 "Wire is still contacting workspiece Jog robot away"Module ARC Msg No: 0 "Too many retries".Module System Msg No: 1204...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Kuka System Software 8.36 Default Library backup

&REL 2DEFDAT $CONFIG;FOLD BASISTECH GLOBALS;==================================; Default parameters for movement; These values shouldn't be changed;==================================;----------------------------------; general MOVEMENT - parameters:;----------------------------------INT DEF_OV_PRO=100INT DEF_ADVANCE=3; PTP - MOVEMENTS;----------------------------------INT DEF_VEL_PTP=100INT DEF_ACC_PTP=50; CP - MOVEMENTS ;----------------------------------DECL CIRC_TYPE DEF_CIRC_TYP=#BASEDECL JERK_STRUC DEF_JERK_STRUC={CP 500.0,ORI 50000.0,AX {A1 1000.0,A2 1000.0,A3 1000.0,A4 1000.0,A5 1000.0,A6 1000.0,E1 1000.0,E2 1000.0,E3 1000.0,E4 1000.0,E5 1000.0,E6 1000.0}}REAL DEF_VEL_CP=2.0REAL DEF_VEL_ORI1=200.0REAL DEF_VEL_ORI2=200.0REAL DEF_VEL_ORIS=200.0REAL...

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Eclipse Java Tutorial Installation Part 1

Eclipse is Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is Software that provides all the essential tools you will need for editing, running and debugging your java programs.1. Instaling the java develipment kit (JDK)2. Installing and starting eclipse3. Installing the subversibe pluginDownload1. JDK for Windows (x86) or (x64)2. Elipse IDE for Windows 3. ADT Plugin on Eclipse4. Android SDK1. Installing Java Development Kit (JDK) -*JDK8u25 (26 Desember 2014)    Note : Mac User skip to the part of this section The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a set of development tools used in the programming of java application the eclipse...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Certificate / 내가 증명서

01. Birth & Family Certificate: Date Issue(MM/DD/YY) Release City Description Image (click image to preview) 11/11/1992 CiamisIndonesia Certificate of Birth 05/05/2011 Ciamis Indonesia Certificate of Family 03/09/2014 CikarangIndonesia Certificate of Family 02. Education Background Certificate : Date Issue(MM/DD/YY) Release City Description Image (click image to preview) 12/02/2013 Gwangju South Korea Master Degree Certificate (Chonnam National University) 12/02/2013 Gwangju South Korea Academic Transcript (Chonnam National University) 02/26/2011 Yogyakarta Indonesia Bachelor Degree...

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