Thursday, February 12, 2015

Solidworks Electrical Tutorial

Solidworks Electrical greatly simplifies creating 2D electrical diagram by providing an intuitive interface that fave us faster results. There is two way real-time integration with Solidworks 3D CAD provides better collaboration and productivity, resulting in fewer delays of products, more consistent and standardized designs, lower cost and fast time to market.
Solidworks Electrical accelerates the design of efficient electrical systems design capacity of schemes that simplify the process. Multiple user can works together to generate complex patterns of a single line or multiple lines and automate PLC wiring and terminal strips. We can re-use part of exiting circuits in new designs to accelerate development and maintain consistency.

Key Features include:
  • Complete library integrated 500,000 standard electrical parts makes selection easy created and part schematics speeds.
  • Integrated single-line and multi-line schematics palinning tools.
  • Dynamic contextual user interface provides only commands that make sense depending on where you are in the design process, so you can focus on design.
  • SQL database architecture allows multiple users to work simultaneously on project.
  • Circuit copy and paste to re-use design through projects.
  • Direct import of existing DWG and DXF symbols with attributes and existing connections.
  • More than 4000 + Graphic symbols used in electrical schematics and system designs.
  • Circuit symbol creation wizard to easily prepare custom 2D schematic symbols and sabed circuits.
  • Fully automated gereration of PLC schematics drawing strips and supporting documents.
  • Generating DWG, DXF, and PDF for projects, with extensive capabilities file.
  • Integration with Solidworks Enterprice PDM to manage documents, generate report and create PDF and DWG export.
  • Location of the product interface and documentation in seven language.
  • The director of comprehensive symbol libraries, footprints, title blocks, macro, cable and references of part including customizable ERP connectivity standard parts.
The  aim of this tutorial is to introduce you to solidworks electrical through a series of simple exercises, allowing you to create a project. This will allow you to use most features of the software.
Before using this program, consult the "Getting Started Guide" to familiarize yourself with the commands and vocabulary used in the software.


1. Electrical Schematics
Exercise #1
Creating a Project
Exercise #2
Managing Locations
Creating a Synoptic
Cable List
Exercise #3
Drawing Wires
Inserting Symbols
Allocation a Manufacturer Reference
Exercise #4
Handling Objects
Inserting Black Boxes
Creating Macros
Copy and Pate
Insert and Swapping Material Terminals
Exercise #5
Multilingual text
Polarity Origin-Destination
Equipotential Numbering
Wiring and Editing Terminal Strips
Exercise #6
Manufacturer parts
Exercise #7
Exercise #8
Exercise #9
2D Cabinet Layout
Exercise #10
Managing Revisions
Exercise #11
Managing Title Blocks
Exercise #12
Managing Symbols

Creating a Project
2. Electrical 3D
3. Project Sample


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