Thesis Tittle Report (Power Point)

This PPT Final Report file describes how to SCADA (Supervisory Control and Acquisition Data) implemented to android mobile device using bluetooth communication. For more detail you can download this ppt file here

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Eclipse Java Tutorial Installation Part 1

Eclipse is Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is Software that provides all the essential tools you will need for editing, running and debugging your java programs.1. Instaling the java develipment kit (JDK)2. Installing and starting eclipse3. Installing the subversibe pluginDownload1. JDK for Windows (x86) or (x64)2. Elipse IDE for Windows 3. ADT Plugin on Eclipse4. Android SDK1. Installing Java Development Kit (JDK) -*JDK8u25 (26 Desember 2014)    Note : Mac User skip to the part of this section The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a set of development tools used in the programming of java application the eclipse...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Certificate / 내가 증명서

01. Birth & Family Certificate: Date Issue(MM/DD/YY) Release City Description Image (click image to preview) 11/11/1992 CiamisIndonesia Certificate of Birth 05/05/2011 Ciamis Indonesia Certificate of Family 03/09/2014 CikarangIndonesia Certificate of Family 02. Education Background Certificate : Date Issue(MM/DD/YY) Release City Description Image (click image to preview) 12/02/2013 Gwangju South Korea Master Degree Certificate (Chonnam National University) 12/02/2013 Gwangju South Korea Academic Transcript (Chonnam National University) 02/26/2011 Yogyakarta Indonesia Bachelor Degree...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

List Portable Software (Colection)

Software Portable adalah tipe software yang bisa digunakan di PC atau komputer dimana untuk pemakainya tidak perlu diinstal di sistem komputer, tapi tidak semua portable software dapat dijalankan pada semua system operasi windows pada komputer anda. Menurut pengalaman serta hasil uji coba beberapa bulan yang lalu bahwa Software yang agak sulit untuk di buat portable adalah:1. Software anak-anak teknik : software yang harganya belasan sampai puluhan juta rupiah2. Software yang memiliki kapasitas lebih dari 1 DVD (4.7GB), kriteria pada no 2 ini masih bersifat kesimpulan sementara.Nah, untuk menghemat keterbatasan kapasitas Hardisk Internal pada PC atau laptop kamu makanya para Software Engineer memberikan pilihan sederhana salah satunya dengan menggunakan Software Portable yang pastinya ada...

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Solidworks Electrical Tutorial

Solidworks Electrical greatly simplifies creating 2D electrical diagram by providing an intuitive interface that fave us faster results. There is two way real-time integration with Solidworks 3D CAD provides better collaboration and productivity, resulting in fewer delays of products, more consistent and standardized designs, lower cost and fast time to market.Solidworks Electrical accelerates the design of efficient electrical systems design capacity of schemes that simplify the process. Multiple user can works together to generate complex patterns of a single line or multiple lines and automate PLC wiring and terminal strips. We can re-use...

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